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Health Benefits of Gratitude
11/18/2015 4:57:00 PM
Celebrating gratitude might just be rewarded with better health.

Health Benefits of Gratitude

Beaumont Health

Health Benefits of Gratitude


Thanksgiving Day is often considered the time of year to get together with loved ones, to eat delicious food and watch football. It is also the day dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness. Many people take the time on Thanksgiving to be truly grateful for everything they have, but not give too much attention to it the rest of the year. But what if we lived everyday like it was Thanksgiving Day, constantly aware of all that we have to be grateful for?

The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness or gratefulness. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible.

Many people may be aware of the spiritual benefits of gratitude in their lives, but the physical health benefits of gratitude are just as significant. Celebrating gratitude, which does not cost any money or take up much time, might just be rewarded with better health.

Physical Health

Grateful people perceive gratitude as a permanent trait rather than a temporary state of mind. They are more likely to take better care of themselves with regular exercise, a healthy diet and regular physical examinations, which is likely to contribute to longevity of life.

Stress Relief

Undoubtedly, stress can have a negative impact on health, and even make people sick. Gratitude can help to better manage stress in our daily life. Promoting an attitude of thankfulness has been linked to better immune function and better ability to relax. Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, which has an essential impact on people with compromised health.

“Focusing on what you do have instead of what you don’t shifts your thinking process from negative to positive. When this occurs, your feelings become more positive as well as your actions/behaviors and your stress levels decrease,” explains Beaumont psychologist, Carnigee Truesdale-Howard, PsyD.

Better Relationships

Showing gratitude serves to strengthen relationships. It makes people nicer, more trusting, more social and more appreciative. As a result, showing appreciation for others helps people make more friends and deepen existing relationships.

Truesdale-Howard says, “Showing gratitude also tells someone that they matter and that they are important. This builds and improves or validates that persons self-worth. This becomes infectious and the person wants to return the gratitude and thus a relationship has formed.”

Healthy Heart

Promoting an attitude of gratitude may benefit heart failure patients. Higher levels of gratitude are associated with better mood, better sleep, less fatigue and less inflammation, factors that can worsen heart failure.

When was the last time you stopped to really acknowledge the things you’re thankful for? Although it’s nice to count your blessings on Thanksgiving Day, being thankful throughout the entire year may boost your overall well-being. Truesdale-Howard suggests focusing on priceless things such as time, life and relationships.