The holidays are here and many of us are getting ready to go back to our hometowns to gather under the same roof with family and friends.
This time of the year is often filled with excitement, but did you ever realize you could also be doing a favor to your health when you head home? Check out these benefits of going home for the holidays:
Spend quality time with family
The holidays provide the chance to spend much needed quality time with your family that busy schedules normally don't permit. You get the chance to learn new things about your loved ones and create new memories that will last a lifetime.
Laughter is the best medicine
When you're enjoying the holidays with friends and family, you're more likely to laugh, whether it's recalling an old memory or just hanging out with your loved ones. A good laugh can release endorphins, which are your body's 'feel-good' chemicals that can help make you feel more relaxed physically and emotionally.
Boost your spiritual well being
The holidays are a time to celebrate what you're grateful for. Many studies have shown that feeling grateful is linked to better sleep quality, a better mood and feeling more optimistic.
Take time to recharge
Work commitments and a demanding schedule can undoubtedly be a source of stress in your life. Taking time during the holidays to detach from work allows you to return more relaxed and recharged.
Visit with friends
Going back to your hometown can be the perfect time to get together with childhood friends that you haven't seen in a while. Friendships not only give us pleasure, but the caring behaviors associated with opportunity to check in, exchange thoughts and lend a supportive shoulder can release stress-reducing hormones.
You'll be doing yourself a favor when you take time to deepen your most meaningful relationships and do the activities that bring joy to you and those you love!