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Beverages That May be Sabotaging Your Healthy Lifestyle
1/27/2017 12:43:42 AM
It's easy to forget the hidden calories and sugar that come with enjoying our favorite drinks.

Beverages That May be Sabotaging Your Healthy Lifestyle

Beaumont Health

Beverages That May be Sabotaging Your Healthy Lifestyle


If you've made a promise to yourself to get healthier in the new year or are just looking to make some diet or lifestyle changes - start by rethinking your drink.

It's easy to forget the hidden fat, calories and sugar that come with enjoying our favorite everyday drinks.


"That latte from Starbucks or Biggby can contain a whopping 500 calories," explains Bailey Rice, a dietetic intern at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak. "You can enjoy a skinny flavored latte with low fat milk and sugar-free syrup instead of your usual white chocolate mocha latte... for a quarter of the calories and fat!"


And of course, who doesn’t love a refreshing can of pop with their meal? That daily Coke or Pepsi quickly adds up in sugar and calories and could be the reason you find yourself at a plateau.


Rice advises that even if you've been good throughout the week, that isn't an excuse to take the weekend off. "After a long week, some people like to unwind with a glass of wine, pint of beer or a fancy mixed drink. Remember, moderation is key."

If you find yourself in need of a drink, opt for a glass of red wine, which is full of heart-healthy antioxidants (an 8 ounce glass is around 150 calories). Try to choose a light beer and mixed drinks with soda water instead of juice or pop - both improved alternatives.


Looking for an alternative? Try a fruit and herb infused water, which is extremely low in sugar and calories while providing you with a dose of vitamins.

From strawberries to mango to hibiscus and everything in between, keep experimenting with infused waters and you'll find the right recipe for you.


Reduce bloat and speed up your metabolism with this spicy but cool infused water!

Ingredients (for 32 oz.)

  • 3” of cucumber (English or regular), sliced
  • ½ jalapeno pepper, de-seeded
  • 1 sprig of organic mint leaves


  1. De-seed the jalapeno pepper by cutting off the pepper’s top, then cut the pepper in half. Wear a latex glove or cover your thumb with plastic wrap, and run your thumb down the length of the pepper, removing all seeds and the pith.
  2. Combine the sliced cucumber, de-seeded jalapeno, and sprig of mint leaves in the ball jar and cover with 30 ounces of cold water.
  3. Let water infuse for 4-24 hours. The longer the infusion, the stronger the flavors.


This flavor-packed water is good for detoxifying and the grapefruit provides you with a boost of vitamin c.

Ingredients (for 32 oz.)

  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary


  1. Cut the rind away from the grapefruit and cut the fruit into slices.
  2. Fill the ball jar with 30 ounces cold water, then lower exactly half of the fruit into the water (instead of pouring water over the fruit).
  3. Top off the ball jar with half of the sprig of fresh rosemary.
  4. Infuse for 2 hours at room temperature and up to 24 hours in your refrigerator.

Recipes courtesy of Infused Waters.