The United Network for Organ Sharing estimates that more than 15,000 Americans are on waiting lists to receive a liver transplant, including nearly 400 in Michigan. Liver transplant is the second-most
common solid organ transplant procedure performed in the U.S. each year, second only to kidney transplantation.
Beaumont offers residents of Michigan and the surrounding regions state-of-the-art and personalized care in the management of all aspects of liver disease, including innovative techniques in liver transplantation as well as in hepatobiliary surgery, for even the most complex tumors.
While the Liver Transplant Program is relatively new to Beaumont, our focus on individualized care has translated to excellent results for even those patients with the most complicated and difficult problems involving their liver. The program is built on over 40 years of excellence and experience with Beaumont’s kidney transplant program, which provides comprehensive care to patients with chronic kidney disease, including end-stage renal disease.
Our transplant team includes highly-regarded surgeons, hepatologists, and transplant nurse coordinators who work together with a dedicated multidisciplinary transplant team to manage patient care, from the pre-transplant evaluation through recovery after transplant. Patients receive lifelong monitoring to help make sure any transplant-related issues are identified in a timely manner. Patients have dedicated transplant nurse coordinators who will guide patients at every phase of their care.