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Moist Skin Reactions Radiation Therapy Care

Radiation treatments can cause skin changes in the treatment area. A dry skin reaction (dryness and redness) can develop into a moist reaction. This is due to a shedding of the first layer of skin (epidermis). The second layer of skin (dermis) is moist. When the dermis is exposed, it causes weeping. We have designed skin care routines to protect the dermis and improve healing.

Your skin reaction may reach its peak up to one to two weeks after the completion of your treatment. After this point, skin reactions generally begin to heal and subside.

Skin Care Instructions

Domeboro soaks:

  • Clean the area with mild soap and water and pat dry.
  • Dissolve one-to-two of the Domeboro packets in one pint of lukewarm water.
  • Pour the solution over a few gauze pads and apply to the affected area and leave in place for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Remove the gauze pads and let the area air dry.
  • You can also use a fan to dry the area. Do not rub the skin dry.
  • Repeat the soak three to four times each day or follow your doctor's and nurse's directions.
  • You may store the rest of the solution at room temperature for up to seven days. The solution
  • may also be stored in the refrigerator.
  • If after seven days there is remaining solution, discard solution and make a new solution with
  • tap water and new packets.
  • Exposing the area to air helps it heal, so try to wear loose-fitting clothing or leave the area uncovered.

Vigilon dressings:

  • Vigilon dressings are a non-medicated type of bandage that you can use to be more comfortable.
  • There are plastic-like coverings on both sides of the vigilon pad. Remove one side of the plastic
  • coverings.
  • Place the side of the Vigilon pad without the plastic covering on the affected area. You may change the Vigilon as often as you need to for comfort. If the Vigilon sticks to you, moisten with water to loosen pad before removing.
  • You can refrigerate the Vigilon for a colder sensation or keep it at room temperature, whichever you prefer.