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3/15/2020 10:37:03 PM Reporting from Detroit,MI
Beaumont Health takes additional steps to stop the spread of COVID-19, serve patients
3/15/2020 10:37:03 PM
Updates regarding elective surgeries, visitor safety restrictions, curbside screenings, Beaumont coronavirus hotline and more.

Beaumont Health takes additional steps to stop the spread of COVID-19, serve patients

Updates regarding elective surgeries, visitor safety restrictions, curbside screenings, Beaumont coronavirus hotline and more.
Corewell Health

Beaumont Health takes additional steps to stop the spread of COVID-19, serve patients

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Beaumont Health is taking numerous additional actions to help stop the spread of COVID-19, care for patients who contract the virus and provide our medical team with the resources they need during this pandemic.

“We are being proactive and are committed to providing health care leadership and compassionate, extraordinary care every day for our patients. The safety of our patients, their families, our employees and physicians is our number one priority. Our hospitals are prepared and equipped to safely manage patients with COVID-19. Further, we need to keep Beaumont operational to continue to provide essential non-COVID-19 related care to thousands of other patients every day,” Beaumont Health President and CEO John Fox said.

What Beaumont Health is doing:

  • We are enforcing visitor safety restrictions at all Beaumont sites.
  • We have launched a public COVID-19 Hotline and call center to respond to questions from the community.
    • Note: NEW PHONE NUMBER: 800-592-4784
  • We are providing limited curbside screening at four hospitals: Royal Oak, Dearborn, Farmington Hills and Troy. Four additional screening sites will be added early this week.
  • We will begin limiting or reducing non-essential surgeries later this week, as the U.S. Surgeon General advised.
  • We have developed a command center to ensure our entire Beaumont team is able to effectively coordinate, share resources and communicate with each other.
  • We are in regular communication with state and federal health agencies and lawmakers regarding their efforts to help contain the virus and care for patients who become ill.
  • We are working together with other health systems in Michigan and around the country to share best practices and collaborate.
  • We are following CDC guidelines and screening protocols while maintaining standard infection control best practices.
  • We are committed to transparency and will continue to keep our patients, staff and our communities informed as the situation evolves.

Additional, more in-depth information about Beaumont’s current efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19:

Elective Surgeries

Beaumont has created a physician-led task force to develop a set of guidelines in response to the Surgeon General’s recommendation to cancel elective surgeries. Our guidelines emphasize patient safety and quality, while also considering inpatient capacity, patient flow and resources. The guidelines will change as the situation unfolds. There will also be circumstances that require us to make exceptions and evaluate on a case-by-case basis.

As of right now, Beaumont will not require surgeons to cancel elective procedures on Monday, March 16. However, depending on the circumstances, we could start canceling non-essential surgeries beginning Tuesday, March 17. 

“We are also talking with other health systems around the country, exchanging information and working together with them. We are not competitors right now. We are united together in a common national effort,” Fox said.

Limited Curbside Screening

Beaumont hospitals in Royal Oak, Dearborn, Farmington Hills and Troy are currently offering limited curbside screening and evaluation for COVID-19. This limited screening is only for patients who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath). We plan to have curbside screening available tomorrow, March 16, at Beaumont, Grosse Pointe, Taylor, Trenton and Wayne.

Note: If medical staff determine a patient needs to be tested, a specimen will be collected and sent to a lab for testing. At this time, Beaumont is unable to process COVID-19 testing on-site. Call ahead to Beaumont’s COVID-19 hotline, 800-592-4784, or your physician’s office before attempting to get screened.

“The best treatment for many people who develop COVID-19 involves staying home, drinking lots of fluids, resting and taking over-the-counter pain relievers,” Dr. Nick Gilpin, Beaumont Health’s medical director of Infection Prevention and Epidemiology, said. “This is critically important: Please try to call ahead before seeking medical attention. This will help us reduce the spread of the virus and conserve our medical supplies for those who need them most.”

Older adults with underlying health concerns or those with a compromised immune system who suspect they might be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should contact their physician.

Visitor Safety Restrictions

One visitor will be permitted for the following exceptions:

  • Person who is in serious or critical condition or in hospice care
  • Person at end-of-life (may make request to nurse manager for additional family presence)
  • Person in Emergency Center
  • Mother in labor
  • Children who are 21 years of age or under (parents permitted)
  • Adult patients with cognitive, physical, or mental disability requiring help with the provision of medical care or activities of daily living, speaking for the patient, and keeping patient safe
  • Person undergoing surgery
  • Person requiring an outpatient test or procedure where a companion is required for support
  • People who must exercise of power of attorney or court-appointed guardianship for a patient
  • People performing official governmental functions
  • Additional exceptions to these extenuating circumstances will be determined by the hospital’s administrator on call

Beaumont COVID-19 Hotline

Beaumont’s COVID-19 hotline, 800-592-4784, is staffed by Beaumont nurses and staff seven days a week. The hotline is a community resource for timely, accurate information about COVID-19 symptoms and virtual screening for people who are experiencing symptoms. The line is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Beaumont nurses and staff will answer questions about the virus and direct patients to the appropriate level of care including:

  • Treating symptoms at home
  • Following up with a primary doctor
  • Seeking treatment at an urgent care or emergency center

Please do not call the hotline unless you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms. If you are experiencing life-threatening symptoms, please call 911.

Beaumont is in the process of increasing the capacity of the phone line. There are also several other coronavirus hotlines available:

  • State of Michigan:  888-535-6136
  • Oakland County: 248-858-1000
  • Centers for Disease Control: 800-232-4636

Other Medical Care

Beaumont will continue to serve and care for the needs of all patients whether they are giving birth, needing surgery or requiring lifesaving emergency procedures.

“We are committed to providing the critical health services we typically offer our patients. During this time, our patients still need care for health conditions unrelated to the virus,” Beaumont Health Chief Nursing Officer Susan Grant, RN, said. “We will be here for them.”

How you can help stop the spread of COVID-19

  • Stay home when you are sick (fever, cough, upper respiratory infection symptoms).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially before eating, after coughing or sneezing, and after using the bathroom.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

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